Ready, steady, slow down

When we’ve got a task to do or a decision to make, we can be tempted to put it off until we have the time to do it all at once.

But that time may not come easily. Or even at all.

This can lead to a messy mix of emotions. Guilt, frustration, anger, stress - even feelings of being a failure for not being able to ‘do the basics.’

Guess what? You’re not the only person going through this!

Mindful micro-actions may help you.

Breaking down the Big Thing that you need to do can make it more manageable. That’s relevant whether you need to write your shopping list or decide what to wear for an interview, or even if you want to buy a house or change careers. No Big Thing is too big - or too small.


Here’s an example:

The kitchen is in a state. It hasn’t had a proper clean for ages. I’m feeling like a failure for not keeping on top of it - and feeling ridiculous for feeling that way about myself over a kitchen.

I’m really busy at work at the moment, plus I’m providing extra support to my Mum following an operation, and I’m tired and run-down.

Today’s micro-actions are:

  • Before I wash the pots that evening, I take time to put the pots on the draining board away. I hum while I do this, to soothe my vagus nerve and extend my exhale (which offloads CO2)
  • I give the draining board a spritz and a scrub, before washing and stacking the pots. While washing the pots, I focus on how good the warm, bubbly water feels
  • I scrub the sink and shine the taps before going to sit down/take a bath/read a book/walk the dog/stroke the cats/whatever active rest might look like for you.
  • I feel good knowing I have made a start. When the impulse arises that I should’ve deep-cleaned the cooker, or that doing the sink alone isn’t enough, I step back from the thought, rather than identifying with it. Let it go (as Elsa would say) rather than attaching yourself to its meaning - in this case, that I’m rubbish for not taking out the rubbish

I set myself more micro-actions the next day. Maybe it’s taking the rubbish out on my way out to see my Mum. It might be buying an oven cleaning product online.


The focus is on doing small, manageable things until the job is done to a standard that’s good enough. It does not need to be perfect as it will always need doing again.

Decluttering, Organising and Coaching can all help with getting things straight - whether it’s with your thoughts and ambitions or sorting your space so it serves you practically.

Give it a go today. If there’s post piling up, take the first three envelopes and deal with them. Do three more tomorrow. Do it with care, attention and kindness to yourself.

Of course, if you’re feeling ready, willing and able to tackle something bigger, that’s fantastic! You’ll still benefit from breaking it down into the stages and steps you’ll take to get there.

Every action, no matter the size, changes your energy and focus and gets you going. So get going!