Thoughts, habits & actions

Where's your clutter?

Clutter isn’t just the stuff that’s getting in our way in the hall or on the coffee table. It can show up in our thoughts, actions and habits too – in all kinds of ways.

Unsure of what I mean? Here’s a few examples:

  1. There’s something you’re set on doing; but you just aren’t doing it. And you can’t figure out why. Even if you start, you stop.
  2. You’re feeling lost and directionless, unsure of who you are or what you want.
  3. Every time you come close to getting the things you want, you sabotage yourself or something else that needs your attention just ‘comes up.’
  4. Thoughts like ‘I don’t deserve it’ or ‘I’m not good enough’ frequently cross your mind.
  5. You’re always really busy, with a racing mind and loads to think about. You might be getting everything done but still feeling on high alert, or you might not be getting everything done, and that contributes to your racing mind.

In each of these examples, there’s clutter - seen or unseen - getting in the way of moving forward.

We attach feeling, meaning and sentiment to the things we own, and to the thoughts we have – though we often don’t realise or think about it in the same way.

Much like interrogating why you’ve got seven pairs of jeans but only wear three, and deciding what to let go of with love, you can interrogate your thoughts and behaviours. See what feels a good fit and what you’ve grown out of – or what you want to grow into.

A lot of the same principles apply whether decluttering your physical space or with your mental space. For example:

  • Where did this come from?
  • How has it served me?
  • What place has it had in my life, what place do I want it to have now?

By taking time to truly look at things, slowing down instead of accepting things as our minds give them to us, we can start to understand our stuff and be the ones in charge of it.

An organised space or mind doesn’t have to be minimalist (more on this to come.) It simply has to serve us well.

If this has sparked anything of interest for you, please get in touch,. I’d love to hear your thoughts and discuss further.